EFCAM is a federation of European CAM associations

On 16 & 17 April 2007 the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) organised a conference in Bratislava, Slovakia entitled “Health in an Expanding EU’.

The first part of the conference included a number of key speeches from members of the EU Commission, European Parliament, Slovakian Government etc. The second part of the conference included a number of parallel workshops, one of which was on the theme of “CAM and Health Strategy in an Enlarged EU”.

EFCAM was one of the organisations that co-organised and co-financed the workshop and EFCAM Coordinator Stephen Gordon (also General Secretary of the European Council for Classical Homeopathy ECCH) gave one of the presentations in the first part of the workshop.

The panel of speakers and their subjects can be accessed in the attached pdf document of the abstracts of the workshop presentations. cam presentation abstracts.pdf