EFCAM is a federation of European CAM associations

EU Parliament CAM Interest Group Meeting

Meeting of the EU Parliament Interest Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM. Tuesday June 23rd 2015 at 12.30, Towards a New Dispensation in European Healthcare: Creating the Right to Work for CAM Professionals. European Parliament Brussels, Room: 6C100...

Meeting of the EU Parliament Interest Group on CAM

The EU Parliament CAM Interest group met on the topic of CAM: an Investment in Health on June 27th 2013. It was co-chaired by Mr Alojz Peterle MEP, Slovenia and Mrs Sirpa Pietikainen MEP, Finland. The agenda and Speakers are overleaf. Approximately 60 people attended,...

Report from the EU Parliament Conference on CAM

European Parliament Conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine The first ever conference at the European institutions on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM, took place on Tuesday October 9th in the European Parliament. “CAM: Innovation and...

Press Release from CAM Conference

Investing in Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Innovation and Added Value and saving for European Healthcare European Parliament, Brussels, 9 October 2012 Members of the European Parliament, health professionals, patients and policy makers gathered to hear and...

CAM Conference Declaration & Call to Action

The CAM associations of patients, practitioners and doctors organising the October 9th 2012 conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM, in the European Parliament have made the following conclusions and Call for Action:...

Presentations from CAM Conference

Please click on the relevant link to read the presentations from the recent CAM conference in the EU Parliament: Professor A. Long, Health Systems Research, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds. Introduction to CAM: An Innovative Healthcare Practice....

Shiatsu Research Study

A major study into the benefits of of shiatsu has been published. With over 900 patients involved in the study across a number of countries, this is an important step forward for the discipline. The study has been carried out by the School for Healthcare at the...